Species of Spaces and Other Pieces - Georges Perec

"There isn't one space, a beautiful space, a beautiful space round about, a beautiful space all around us, there's a whole lot of small bits of space" (pág.5)

"Carry on
Until the scene becomes improbable
until you have the impression for the briefest of moments, that you are in a strange town or, better still, until you can no longer understand what is happening or is not happening, until the whole place becomes strange, and you no longer even know that this is what is called a town, a street, buildings, pavements . . ." (pág. 53)

No capítulo "The Street", Georges Perec propõe ao leitor um exercício prático, o de ir para a rua, de tempos em tempos, para observar e anotar num papel tudo o que está acontecer naquele momento. 

"Note down what you can see. Anything worthy of note going on. Do you know how to see what's worthy of note? Is there anything that strikes you? 
Nothing strikes you. You don't know how to see." (pág.50)

Assim, numa primeira fase do projeto, tendo em conta a ideia de que existem vários espaços no mesmo espaço e vários acontecimentos que acontecem ao mesmo tempo, vou fazer este exercício e depois de atingir esse desprendimento irei procurar pessoas aleatórias - em parques e em cafés - e questioná-las sobre os seus pensamentos momentâneos - espaço interior.